Monday, March 23, 2020

Day eight


I am losing track of the dates. I made a calendar of the week and totally messed up the dates. I now have online meetings every day. The kids have online work to do and I am trying to share online with my class as well. We still have Alton's chrome book in a really safe place. So safe we don't know where we put it. Gotta keep packing/unpacking to hopefully find it soon. Each child has at least one hour assigned work on the computer aside from all the fun activities and online field trips. I may just bite the bullet and order something on Amazon so the kids can have something else to work on while I have to work.

The sign at school just melts my heart!

The roads were garbage, plows weren't out. Perfect day to stay home and snuggle.

Callie stayed busy reading her books.

V did her journal

Alton learned about Khan academy.

I got a call from school which led to a master escape from ninja baby.

Wade is my future son in law. This is not new news to me. I have his older brother in my class and have already filled in grama on the situation. We are all for the arranged marriage. It was cute seeing how the friends in her class responded to this. They all know it and embrace it. One kiddo said you can get married when both people love each other. This just melts my heart.

Today was backwards day. And we got more than an inch of snow. Mother nature got the memo too.

Callie gets to practice her flashcards too. Daddy didn't want to be photographed and she was loving her favorite pouting face.

Repurposing the paper bags from all the school lunches and breakfasts.

There are lots of neighborhood "scavenger hunts" popping up. First it was colored shamrocks in the window, now it's bears. It give the kids something to look for when you are outside getting fresh air. Not that we are in a traditional neighborhood, but the kids like participating.

Lots of people are posting that their Christmas cactuses are blooming. Negative. I haven't killed it though, so that's a bonus.

I haven't been able to reach bingo yet. The perks of living the simple life in the country.

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