Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Opening the pool!

Kids are in the pool it’s officially spring break 2021. They had been talking about getting in the pool and he said he’ll give you five bucks to the first kid that got in. Of course it was Callie! She’s fearless! The kids were in for a short time and then we broke for food. Callie is a little fish and apparently takes after nana and likes sunbathing. 🤣 I however didn’t even pack a suit. Oops!
There’s nothing better than seeing all the cousins reunited again!

 This week we drove down to N.C. to spend the week with the cousins. It’s beautiful down here despite the pollen. It’s so nice having the kids all together again. It’s weird that they are growing up and doing different things. I’m just glad we all have this time together. 

One of our first stops was to Sunny Sky’s. Best homeMade ice cream in the area!

Always have to dye Easter eggs. 6 dozen. The kids all devoured them and we made 2 dozen deviled eggs.

Easter basket haul